Grace - God's unmerited favor.
How Do We Receive Grace?
If we look at the book of Genesis in the Bible, we see how sin entered the world. Originally, Adam and Eve walked freely with God. He created them to have dominion over the earth, giving them free will because everything was perfect. God also created the opportunity for them to choose to go against Him. This opportunity was necessary because, without it, they would always be in agreement with God, unable to express their free will. God did not want them to disobey Him but gave them the ability to choose so they would not be mere robots.
The serpent approached Eve and deceived her into eating the forbidden fruit, but judgment didn’t fall until Adam also ate. This act of disobedience brought consequences because God had told them that eating the fruit would result in death. Although they did not die immediately, they were cast out of the Garden of Eden, and the curse of sin and death was released into the world.
The serpent had told Eve that God didn’t want her to eat the fruit because it would make her “like gods, knowing good and evil.” However, this was a deception—truth wrapped in a lie. God had already made Adam and Eve in His image, giving them dominion over the earth. The serpent’s goal was to merge with humanity and bring an evil agenda of rebellion, causing God’s precious creation to fall under judgment. Humanity’s fall allowed evil spirits to influence our lives.
The Effects of Sin and Deliverance
Sin is a generational curse passed down to all humanity through Adam and Eve’s mistake. It opened the door for evil spirits, which view human bodies as their homes, seeking to express their personalities and traits through us. Many people need deliverance in different areas of their lives because sin and demonic influences can be passed down through generations or even through sinful actions like sexual immorality.
The serpent tempted Eve through deception because he lacked authority in the earth—authority had been given to humans. By convincing Adam and Eve to disobey God, the serpent gained access to influence humanity. Yet, even in humanity’s fall, God provided a plan for redemption, which is another grace definition.
The Promise of Redemption
In Genesis 3:15, God declared to the serpent:
"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
This prophecy foretold the coming of Jesus, the Son of God born in the flesh. Jesus’ mission was to live a perfect life—the life humanity was meant to live before the fall—and to take on our guilt. This is grace: God’s undeserved favor toward us.
God’s grace is demonstrated in giving His only begotten Son to die for us. This didn’t eliminate physical death, as most of us will still experience it (with exceptions like Enoch and Elijah). However, through Jesus, the veil was torn, and we gained direct access to the Father—no longer requiring a priest or animal sacrifices. Jesus is the Word made flesh, fulfilling the law, removing the curse of death, and giving us eternal life.
Romans 8:2 says:
"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."
Through this law, we experience the life of Christ. When we are born again, we become new creations. By receiving the Holy Spirit, we are taught how to live like Jesus.
Grace Manifested in Our Lives
Finally, expanding on this grace definition, God’s grace manifests in countless ways, starting with salvation. Grace empowers us to overcome sin by revealing God’s unconditional love and kindness, even when we fall short. As Romans 5:20-21 declares:
"Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord."
Grace also enables us to grow in the knowledge of Jesus, as 2 Peter 3:18 exhorts:
"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity."
ultimately, God’s grace is an unmerited gift we receive through Jesus Christ. It liberates us, transforms us, and empowers us to live as God intended—free from the curse of sin and death, walking in righteousness and victory.
Grace - God's unmerited favor.
Power - The ability or having the capacity to influence, control, or accomplish something.
God shows us that in order to bring anything into the physical it must first come from the spiritual. We can see this in the first chapter of Genesis, where God said it and it was. He said let there be and it was. When He spoke wasn't created until He spoke it. He brought the invisable into the visable with His Word. This is manifestation. God manifested His creation with His Word. So when we think of the word "power" in relation to grace, we can think of it in this way:
Grace power - is God's abilty or capacity to influence our lives with His unmerited favor, allowing us to receive unearned blessings and His kindness.
In 40 Days:
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During this 40 Day devotion we will look at a variation of 40 virtues and aspects of God to help you see how God's grace can manifest in many different ways in life. Each day should assist you in transforming your mind for self-healing and personal growth. |
The Early Church and You As an Everyday Superhero In Christ
Considering the diversity of the world today and how easy it is for us to connect with others around the world through resources such as the internet, flying in an airplane, or e.t.c, have you ever wondered how the early church was able to spread the gospel around the world from a practical standpoint? The early church had an extraordinary job of spreading the foundation of the teachings of Jesus in sharing the gospel around the world. various ministers had to translate the bible into the native language of the people without the use of google translate or a voice translator. Some even had to learn languages that from scratch simply through the observation of facial expressions and body language.
With all of the signs being fufilled from the bible, we can see that we are in the end times. This book can help you connect with the mission of Christ from the standpoint of Jesus laying the intial foundation of grace, through the forgiveness of our sins and then the early church doing the work to spread His word and memory around the world. Today we have to remember the struggles that they went through in order for us to spread the gospel and even in our nation's original quest for religious freedoms, we can see in society today that this progress is being lost to our idolatrous culture and the worship of the self, more specifally a need for others to dominate and control the life of others even down to the mintist details that occur subtly. Don't get me wrong I am all for self care and having dominion and personal empowerment, but their has been an increase in moralpragmatistism where people are following the principals of christianity but taking Jesus out of the picture, just like Christ was taken out of Christmas to be xmas. It's like we want all of the benefits without the benefactor.
We can see in our own nation that there has been a regression of the Christian progression. We as everyday people can make a difference in our everyday life just by transforming our own hearts to be like Christ.
With the transformation of one heart, one can ignite the transformaton of many simply by being who they were born to be. May the kingdom of heaven spread across the earth as the water covers the seas, through individuals transforming their hearts by renewing their minds.
What can grace power give us?
It can allow God's glory to shine in our lives as we follow Him. He is the light and those that follow Jesus shall not walk in darkness. If we are following Him, the power of His grace can reflect His glory on our lives simply because Jesus is the King of Glory.
Most importanly we can not think that just because we love God or follow Him that life will be like a box of sweet chocolates always sweet with no sour. The christian walk is more like a dozen fresh unclipped roses. We can recieve the beauty but it doesn't come without any stuggle or pain. Grace can actually help us move through the struggles of following Christ. But with
In one of Jesus' prayer to the Father, He expresses that the glory given to Him has been passed to His followers, uniting them in divine purpose and relationship...
John 17:22 – “The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one.”
Romans 8:17 – “And if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him”
On this 40 day journey, I pray that you will be able to recieve one of the following as a result:
Of course this all depends on your level of dedication, readiness, and most importanly your belief!
Everyday People can do extraordinary things when their hearts are lit with the light of Jesus Christ!
Jesus is the light, the truth, and the way!